The first drama I learned was Educating Rita by Willy Russel in my first year of foundation course. We were asked to form group of five. Every group was required to choose two scenes and act out in the class. This was part of our assignment. During the process, we had gone through a lot of trouble especially in finding for the props for this drama because the drama is a closed text. In other words, the playwright had stated clearly the description of the setting which the play took place as well as the position of the furniture. For example, in Act 1, Scene 1, There is a large bay window L with a desk placed in front of it and another desk c covered with various papers and books. The walls are lined with books and on one wall hang a good print of a nude religious scene. This setting is important because every scene is happened in the Frank’s office and it involves the usage of the furniture. Therefore, as the stage director, the position of the furniture has be arranged exactly the same as the description given in the play thus not interrupt the flow of the drama. The second drama that I learned was The Midsummer Night Dream by William Shakespeare in the second year. Although we did not put up the play, we were asked to watch the play individually. As for this play, the setting is not vividly portrayed to the readers. For example, in Act 1 Scene 1, Athens Theseus’ Palace. This is largely depends on the stage director’s decision and creativity on what props are supposed to use in every scene of the play. Any props can be used as long as the props are suitable for the era of time and the setting. This type of drama is called opened text.
Educating Rita ? yah i read that drama before, nice to read i even seen the video of the drama,i help me a lot to understand what the story was about, well keep up the good work
Brian, at 8:24 PM
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